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Just like making yoghurts, you need a starter culture of bacteria and add it to warm milk. The bacteria convert lactose to lactic acid, making lots of it, and resultantly, making lost of curds (the solid part). When it is completely curdled you separate the curds from the liquid whey. Cut the curds and add salt, if wanted. Let them dry and you have cheese.

some homemade cheese can be made wiht unpasturised milk and rennent :)

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Q: What microorganisms turn milk in to cheese?
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Are cheese dangerous?

Only to individuals who are lactose intolerant or who have allergies to milk or to the microorganisms with which cheese is cultured.

What people turn milk into cheese?

Cheese makers.

What microorganisms are used in making cheese?

Cheese is made by curdling milk with rennet, an enzyme from the stomach of a calf or sheep. Sometimes mold is encouraged to grow in it in order to improve the flavor.The enzyme rennet is added to milk to turn it into chese aswell as as some bactirias and lactic acid.

How are microorganisms used in industry?

A culture can be a microorganism (if I'm not mistaken), and cultures can create cheese. Otherwise there is Pasteurization, which is killing the microorganisms by boiling the milk or water or whatever other liquid

How do trees turn into cheese?

Cheese is not produced from trees, it is produced from milk and a mixture of other components.

What kind of mineral cheese?

Cheese is not mineral. Cheese is a dairy product made by coagulating milk, separating the curds and whey, then pressing and drying the curds. Some types of cheese have microorganisms added to "ripen" them, modifying flavor and texture.

What kinds of microorganisms are used in cultured dairy products?

Some dairy products include yogurt, a certain kind of milk, and cheese.

What is a bacterium that is sometimes used to turn milk into different kinds of cheese?

Rennin, a Bacteria found in sheeps stomach's, is used to turn mimlk into cheese.

Why are microorganisms useful in food production?

Because it can help with the purification, in the process of curdling milk etc.. It also helps you to convert Milk into other products, such as cheese and yoghurt. Enjoy! Andrew

How are decomposers involved in making cheese?

Cheese is made from old milk and the decomposers in the milk eat the bad bacteria that carry diseases so the decomposers can mold and make cheese. :D

Uses of microorganism in food industries?

Microorganisms are used in food industries for processes like fermentation, which helps produce products like yogurt, cheese, and bread. They are also used in the production of certain vitamins and enzymes. Additionally, some microorganisms are used to enhance flavors in products like soy sauce and vinegar.

What is the enzyme used to coagulate milk?

I don't know if it is an ensyme, but I do know that renit is the name of the additive that we use to turn milk into cheese.