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Q: What mashes and cuts food in your mouth?
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Related questions

What organs of the digestive mashes food and mixes it with acid?

The small intestine. The mouth mashes food with the teeth and mixes it with saliva which also includes some acid compounds.

What organ of the digestive system mashes food and mixes it with acid?

The small intestine. The mouth mashes food with the teeth and mixes it with saliva which also includes some acid compounds.

What process tears grinds and mashes large food particles into smaller ones?

The process of chewing, also known as mastication, tears, grinds, and mashes large food particles into smaller ones in the mouth using teeth and jaw movement. This mechanical breakdown of food facilitates easier swallowing and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

What are one of the functions of the digestive system?

it mashes and squeezes the food

What do the stomach do in the body?

mashes up food and breaks it down with stomach acid

What is a muscly bag called that mashes up food that the body eats?

The Stomach.

How do you get rid of cuts inside your mouth?

The tissue inside the mouth heals quickly. You can try an old home remedy of rinsing your mouth with warm salted water.

Does It matter if you have cuts in your mouth to pass a swab drug test?

No cuts in your mouth will not affect swabbing that mouth for a DNA test, because they do it to get your saliva. So either way the saliva can get taken. Hope this helps you. Good luck!

What is the meaning of Mechanical Digestion?

Tears, grinds and mashes large food particles into smaller ones. The size of the food is reduced, but the foods aren't changed into other compounds.

What is and what does a gerber machine do?

you have a whole bunch of food and it mashes it up and peels the skin too so the baby won't choke as easy

What if your dog has cuts and foaming at mouth?

Take him to a vet ASAP

Where is the oropharnyx?

The oropharynx is located at the back of the mouth, specifically behind the oral cavity and above the laryngopharynx. It plays a role in both the respiratory and digestive systems as a passageway for air and food.