

What makes vegetables rot faster?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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10y ago

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Both fruits and vegetables give off ethylene gas as they ripen (or break). This natural occurrence, is self perpetuating, in that the more gas that is given off in a given area, the more gas surrounding fruits and vegetables will create. Depending on the conditions such as air flow, heat, and diversity of produce will be the overall determining factors. In most controlled tests fruit will deteriorate faster than most non leafy vegetables. But it all in all it matters what fruits versus what vegetables, and the tests control standards.

To see a chart of which fruits and vegetables release the most ethylene , the stuff that accelerates breaking, go to the related link below.

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10y ago

if they are in a room temperature for too long

if they are bruised from being dropped or hit

a lot of bugs, amount of sun

ANS 2 - Being kept in polyethlene bags is bad for vegetables in general, particularly mushrooms, green beans and tomatoes. As soon as I bring any of these home,they are stored in brown paper bags.

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11y ago

Usually one will rot just as fast as the other with no real difference in between.

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