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Polish dills are similar to kosher dills except that they are cured typically in wooden barrels, contain less salt and different seasoning.

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Q: What makes pickles polish?
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What is the difference between dill pickles and polish dill pickles?

The spices involved. Dill is a spice that isn't in the polish which are hotter.

What does it mean to crave sweet pickles?

Hmmm this is makes me want pickles...

What do you call a person who makes pickles?

A cook makes pickles. There is no specific term for a "pickle maker."

What is polish?

a polish is a product that makes things shine.

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What is the name of the bacteria makes pickles and sauerkraut?

foods& cookiing

What makes a pickle conductive?

Pickles are conductive because of their acid content. The salt helps too. Pickles can even make a battery.

Why do pickles have pickle juice?

They have pickle juice because they are just small cucumbers but they put them in juice for a long time and it makes pickles.

What makes nail polish?

who cares just polish your toenails! Sometimes you can read the back of the nail polish bottle to figure it out. POLISH

Why are trees red?

trees are red, because pickles live in them which makes the tree green. the pickles grow out eventually. and then the tree becomes red.

What is the helpful bacteria that makes pickles and saurkraut?

Lactic acid bacteria.

What does polish do?

Makes things shiny.