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A penny will rust faster in Orange Juice compared to soda due to the presence of citric acid in orange juice, which accelerates the oxidation process of the metal. Citric acid acts as a catalyst for the rusting reaction by facilitating the transfer of electrons from the penny to oxygen in the air. Soda, on the other hand, typically contains phosphoric acid, which is less effective at promoting rusting in comparison to citric acid.

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4d ago
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15y ago

steps on what makes a penny rust faster orange juice or soda#1 pure orange juice in 1 cup and soda in another cup#2 put a penny in both of the cups#3 put the two pennies in each cup#4leave the two cups outside for one or two weeks#5 take the camera and take the photo#6 develop the picture#7 look at the to pictures carefully and see which one got rusted

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14y ago

i think soda but it depends which brand of soda you use

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14y ago

i think it doesnt

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12y ago

yes the Diet Coke does

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Q: What makes a penny rust faster orange juice or soda?
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What will make a penny oxidize faster orange juice or lemon juice?

The orange juice must make the penny rust faster because when put a penny in a dish of lemon juice, it makes it shinier... which also works with ketchup.

Does a penny corrode faster in water or orange juice?

orange juise

Conclusion on what makes a penny rust soda or orange juice?

orange juice because of the acid

What makes a penny get rusted faster orange juice or?

what makes a pennies rust faster orange juice soda?I put the two new pennies in each cup.I waited 1 day .When I woke up I take out two spoons. Then I will put the two spoons in the two cups.Then I will take out the spoons with the pennies that became rusted.The penny in the soda got rusted faster.

Will a penny rust in orange juice?

No. The orange juice has CuO which cleans the penny by dissolving the rust off of it.

How do you What makes a penny rust faster orange juice or soda and water?

i would probably say soda, since it has gas and stuff like that in it. water won't do anything, and orange juice might have affect but for a longer time. FOR THE RECORD, IM JUST SAYING I DONT REALLY KNOW.

What do people know about which liquid will make a penny rust faster orange juice or coke?

They DO know something about inorganic chemistry.

What makes a penny rust orange juice or soda?

Since ornage juice contains citric acid it can attack a penny. However, soda usually contains phosphoric acid and so can do also.

Can orange juice rust a penny?

yes it can

Will orange juice rust a penny?

yes it can

What juice would clean a penny apple juice orange juice or cranberry juice?

I don't know why you are cleaning a penny with juice but orange juice. The acid found in orange juice if left touching something for long periods of time can start eroding the surface , removing stains and rust.

Steps on what makes a penny rust orange juice or soda?

steps on what makes a penny rust orange juice or soda#1. pour the orange in a cup#2. pour the soda in the other cup#3. get the 2 new pennies and put 1 in each cup#4. put the 2 cups out side and leave for a week or two#5.take the camera and take the picture of the two#6 look at each picture carefully and see which got rusted faster