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She couldn't go to the rehearsals of the show.

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Q: What makes Billie Jo feel as '' foul as maggoty stew ''?
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Related questions

Is a ladybird harmless?

Ladybirds are harmless but when they feel threatened they can make a foul tasting liquid that makes most predators spit them out.

Why were foul words created?

To express the anger you feel in words.

What makes skunks unique or different?

Skunks can spray their enemy with a foul smelling liquid.

In basketball if you shoot and the ball is out of your hand and a person makes cotact with your hand is it a foul?


What is a foul shot in basketball?

in basketball you get foul shots when your shooting and someone on the other team makes contact with your body

What is a reach in foul in basketball?

Reaching in is not a foul. The term is nowhere to be found in any rulebook. There must be contact to have a foul. The mere act of reaching in, by itself, is nothing. If contact does occur, it's either a holding foul or an illegal use of hands foul. When a player, in order to stop the clock, does not make a legitimate play for the ball, holds, pushes or grabs away from the ball, or uses undue roughness, the foul is an intentional foul.

Is hitting the hand of a shooter a foul in basketball?

Yes. It is called a 'block' and will result in 2 foul shots for the shooter. If the shooter makes the shot but also gets fouled, the basket counts as 2 points and the shooter gets 1 foul shot opportunity.

What makes a smell in a newly installed shower?

Trap seal lost and foul air invading from drainage.

If a fair fly ball is deflected over a fence into foul territory what is the call?

If the ball first lands in foul territory, then it is a foul ball. If the ball lands in fiar territory and rolls into the foul territory after first base, it's a fair ball. - So, if the ball is in the air in fair territory and drifts to foul after first base still in the air, makes first contact with the ground in foul territory, it's a foul ball.

What makes air foul smell?

Foul-smelling air is typically a result of the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur compounds, ammonia, or other gases emitted from sources like garbage, sewage, or industry. These compounds can create unpleasant odors that our noses perceive as foul.

How do you say foul in french?

foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)

What is the homophone of foul?

The homophone of "foul" is "fowl."