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Q: What magic bone did Maui use to fish up Aotearoa?
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What is the maori name for Wellington?

Some Maori names for the North Island of New Zealand are:Aotearoa - This means either the long cloud, the long white cloud or the refers to the canoe Aotearoa of Kupe who is one of the significant legendary figures in the story of the colonisation of New Zealand. The significance of cloud is that it is often an indicator to navigators of land from the sea. This name is now also used to refer to the whole of New Zealand)Te Ika a Maui (this means the Fish of Maui and refers to the story of the demi-god Maui fishing up the North Island from the sea)

What were the continents called by the indigenous people who lived there before europen arrival?

The country of New Zealand was known to the Maoris as Aotearoa (land of the long white cloud). The North Island was known as Te Ika A Maui (Maui's fish) and the South Island was Te Wai Pounamu (waters of greenstone) or Te Waka O Aorangi (Aorangis canoe)

What is the maori name for the north island?

The Maori name for the North Island of New Zealand is Te Ika-a-Māui. This name translates to "The Fish of Maui" in English, referring to the legend of Maui, a demigod who fished the North Island from the ocean.

Magic fish in Fish Tycoon?

have 7 Magic fish

What is the name of the local maori tribe for the far north?

'Te Ika A Maui' which means the fish of Maui. Maui is a demigod in Polynesian mythology who fished up the north island from beneath the ocean.

What does the maui dolphin eat?

The Maui dolphin eats fish and squid. Some of them are killed by nets of fishermen.

What two fish do you need to breed for the magic fishes on fish tycoon?

there is a series of fish you can breed to get the magic fish. The frist magic fish comes when you first get the game then breed a bunch of fish together untl you get the rest

What does Maui's dolphin eat?

Maui's (or Hector's) dolphins mainly eat small squid and fish like flatfish, stargazers, cod and sprat.

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Was new zealand hauled from the ocean?

Shell beds high in the mountains are a common source of wonder, as are volcanoes, hot springs, recently elevated beaches, and earthquakes. More correctly the land we call Aotearoa or New Zealand was pushed, rather than hauled, from the sea by geological forces. In Maori mythology the metaphor used for this process is the action of the Trickster God, Maui who is said to have hauled up the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand in the form of a fish from the depths of Moana Nui a Kiwa (the Pacific Ocean).

What is bone fishing?

Fishing for Bone fish.

Who is the Maori that fished up New Zealand?

Maui was the fisherman who fished up the North Island, hence its Maori name of 'te ika a Maui'. = the fish of Maui. [Patu please expand]