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Most livebearers are tropical fish. They can mix easily with most other community type species including Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Anabantids, Corydoras, Dwarf Cichlids etc.

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Q: What live bearers go bets with tropical fish?
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What kind of fish are live bearers?

guppy's are live bearers, unlike other fish guppy's lay eggs in there stomach but when they come out they are a normal fish not in a egg

Are Oscar fish live bearers?

No. They lay eggs.

I would love to get fish that would mate. Which fish mate the most?

To my knowledge, live bearers! Have fun! ;)

Do tropical fish live in seawater?

There are millions of tropical fish in the tropical oceans. But they are all marine fish not freshwater fish. Freshwater tropicals can not live in saltwater.

Can tropical fish live with lake fish?

No. Tropical Fish required warmer water.

Do all tropical fish live in fresh water?

Most tropical fish live in the ocean, but some do live in freshwater.

Which fish can get dropsy?

Most types of fish can get dropsy, although in my experience, it is more common in live bearers and tetras.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

What kidnd of fish have live birth?

Tropical fish.

In what waters do parrot fish live?

parrot fish live in tropical waters

What do tropical fishes eat?

Tropical fishes typically eat a variety of foods including commercial fish flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. It's important to provide a balanced diet to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for good health and coloration.

How do tropical fish live in the ocean?

Those are salt-water tropical fish not the freshwater fish you see in pet-stores.