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Gelatin can be used instead of agar....

but not Jell-O i mean like real flavorless gelatin, you can find it at any grocery store.

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Q: What liquids can you use instead of agar?
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You are making coconut jello Can you use one tablespoon agar instead of 1 tablespoon gelatin?

Use 1/3 tablespoon of agar. Don't forget to heat it.

In the diffusion of liquids through agar what characteristic of liquid determines the rate at which it will travel through the agar?

The size of the molecules.

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Does agar agar expire and how can I tell if it is still safe to use?

Yes, agar agar can expire. To determine if it is still safe to use, check the expiration date on the packaging. Additionally, inspect the agar agar for any signs of discoloration, unusual odor, or mold growth. If any of these are present, it is best to discard the agar agar to avoid any potential health risks.

Do thermometers contain mercury?

Some traditional thermometers do contain mercury, but newer models typically use a safer alternative like alcohol or digital sensors. Mercury is toxic if ingested or exposed to skin, so it's important to handle mercury-containing thermometers carefully and dispose of them properly.

Is there a microorganism that degrades Agar agar?

Yes, some marine bacteria and fungi have been identified to possess the capability to degrade agar agar. These microorganisms secrete enzymes such as agarases that breakdown agar into simpler sugars, which they can then use as a source of energy.

What is non-nutrient agar?

Non-nutrient agar is a type of agar medium that does not contain any nutrients suitable for supporting the growth of most bacteria. Instead, it is often used for cultivating non-bacterial organisms like fungi, protozoa, and algae. Non-nutrient agar is generally used for the isolation and cultivation of these specific types of microorganisms.

Does Mycobacterium phlei grow on EMB agar?

Mycobacterium phlei is a non-fastidious organism that is commonly found in soil and water. It is not commonly grown on Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar, as EMB agar is more selective for gram-negative enteric bacteria. Instead, Mycobacterium phlei is typically cultured on media specifically designed for mycobacteria, such as Middlebrook agar or Lowenstein-Jensen agar.

What is the ratio you mix agar to water?

The common ratio for mixing agar agar powder with water is 1 tablespoon of agar powder to 1 cup of water. This ratio may vary depending on the specific recipe or intended use.

Lactose fermentation mac conkey test which color indicate a positive test?

MacConkey agar is yellow (due to the lactose in the agar). When an organism consumes the lactose, the agar turns purple. Purple indicates a positive test. If the organism doesn't use the agar, the agar stays yellow.

What is the significance of using a 'dry and hard' agar plate in streak plating?

Why is it impotant to use dry and hard agar for streaking

Why to use soft agar in phage titration?

Phage can move easily in soft agar,it can bind with another bacteria after lysis