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Q: What kinds of cells do celery strings have?
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Are the strings of celery phloem?

Xylem - collenchyma cells.

What are celery strings?

i need information on celery strings

What are celery?

i need information on celery strings

What part of the stem do you think celery strings are?

The stringy cells are the xylem of the plant (tubes that the plant brings water through)

What kind of cell are the strings inside celery?


What is the drew for celery strings?

your momma is stupied and that is celery string suck a dick have you are some ugly kids and your mom is to bicth

What kind of cells are the strings inside a celery stalk?

To provide a backbone when it grows and to hold it's shape when it comes from the farm to the store or market

What is inside a celery string?

there are two functions of a the celery strings in a celery stalk. One of those two functions is to carry water through the stalk. The other is to provide a backbone for the stalk while it grows.

What products do GHS strings sell?

The company GHS sells strings of all kinds for musical instruments. Electric, Bass, Acoustic, Classical, Bango strings are some of the kinds of strings available from this company for purchase.

Does celery stay fresher in hypotonic water or hypertonic water?

Celery stays fresher in hypotonic water because it creates a lower concentration of solutes inside the celery cells compared to the surrounding water, allowing for water to flow into the cells through osmosis and keep the celery crisp. In hypertonic water, the higher concentration of solutes outside the celery cells would cause water to move out of the cells, leading to wilting.

What type of cells are in celery?

Misspelled ones.

How does salt water suger water and plain water absorb celery?

Salt water and sugar water are hypertonic solutions, meaning they have a higher concentration of solute than inside the celery cells. This causes water to move out of the celery cells, leading to wilting. Plain water is a hypotonic solution, so water moves into the celery cells by osmosis, making the celery more firm and crisp.