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what kind of turtle has a orange and black belly and has a rouh shell

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Q: What kind of turtle has a orange and black belly that only eats fruits?
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What kind of turtle has orange and black colors on the bottom?

a painted turtle. If it is bright orange it's a male, if it is dull it is female.

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Orange russet on the back, with black stripes, white on belly and face.

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a boxer turtle i think well we will c

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they look mostly yellow and have black dots here and there

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MALE- full black and orange belly. FEMALE-Head,back are black, neck white with black stripes, and orange belly.

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A ring snake non venomous or a red belly water snake but it don't have a ring

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Emperer Penguins are black and white in colour. They are little yellowish at the belly. They have an orange beak.

If a turtle is brown with orange spots what kind is it?

If you're North American, it's probably a <a href="">box turtle</a>. There are several species in the USA, all of which appear fairly similar - usually brown to black with orange highlights.

What is a tiger's color?

orange and blackorange,black, and whiteThe tiger has a burning orange-yellow fur with thin, black stripes. Its belly, inside part of the paws, this throat, eyebrows and chin are white. There are also white, black and even blue tigers