Any kind of shortening (fat) can be used for making pastry. Butter makes a melt-in-the-mouth delicious pastry.
pastry is used to make a variety of different foods its normal purpose is to hold the rest of the product together.
A pastry blender is used to mix solid fats into flour. Its used to make pie crusts, biscuits, etc...
I would use Crisco instead. With it your pastry will be good.
the balaclava is named after the town of Balaklava in Crimea. During the Crimean War, the caps were knitted in Britain and sent over to the British troops to protect them from the bitter cold climate, which they were not used to. The balaclava is also referred to as a "monkey cap."
The dough used to make Puff pastry and Danish pastry is folded many times to create the multiple flaky layers of crisp baked pastry.
shortcrust pastry
A balaclava is a type of headgear that covers the head, face, and neck. It is commonly used in cold weather to provide warmth and protection from the elements, as well as in certain activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and motorcycling. Additionally, balaclavas can also be used for concealment of the wearer's identity.
You can make it tasty. Salt is a preservative too.
No, pastry is a noun or an adjective, depending on how it is used. Noun: The pastry she brought to work was delicious. Adjective: She bought it at the pastry shop in Denver.
You can use a pastry cutter, knife and fork or pastry blender.