Yes. They eat micro-organism.
Baby frogs are tadpoles. Tadpoles eat algae.
Baby garter snakes will eat small earthworms and live fish or tadpoles.
yes tadpoles can eat sea monkey food
You do not need to feed tadpoles I am pretty sure. They eat the gook in the pond. The tadpoles I had we didn't feed. I don't think they have tadpole food. They don't eat fish food. They eat gook under the water and on the sides.
no they wont that i know of. i had tadpoles and they died because they did not eat. i fed then lobster food but no luck so unknown
Tadpoles mainly feed on algae, plants, and small aquatic organisms such as insects, mosquito larvae, and smaller tadpoles. They have specialized mouthparts for scraping and rasping food from surfaces.
no. They will eat fungi
Fish food
pond weeds and other vegetation
The tadpoles won't eat the food you are giving them because they don't like it. If you really want them to eat the food, then give them lettuce. That should be of great help.
Yes they can eat dry dog food. Let it soak in water so its soft.