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Sounds like he might be a bit sick. what king of fish is it and how big is the tank? try taking out 3/4 of the water and putting fresh water in. Go buy some tests to check the water ph, ammonia , nitrites and nitrates and make sure those are ok. Some fish need to be kept in groups or they'll be scared and try to hide. Please write back if you want and let me know what kind of fish and the size of the tank

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16y ago
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14y ago

I would say your tank is most probably overcrowded. My advice is. Check the body length of your fish and add all those lengths together. Then compare that figure with the amount of gallons of water you have in your tank. The basic rule for keeping fish is 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. An immediate water change could well prevent the death of your fish.

That is good advice, but your fish may be ready to check out. Brace yourself, just in case.

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11y ago

if the gold fish is staying a the bottom of the tank and not coming up to eat look around do you have it under a lamp or brite light is the top of the water dirty if so take the light by moving it to a stop a bit more shady and change the water. good luck

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14y ago

That happened to my goldfish. My goldfish died later, soon. I suggest that maybe you should add one tablespoon of aquarium salt per five gallons. Apparently it helps cure sick fish and strengthens their immune system.

If this doesn't help, ask me later, and I'll try to help.

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12y ago

well i think it means your gold fish isnt feeling well probably needing a new water change or you should take it to the vet may sound silly but that happened to me when i was five and i did exactly what im saying so try if you love your goldfish

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14y ago

Feed it to your cat. It saves a lot of effort.

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12y ago

called feeding your fish to much food

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Q: What is wrong with my Goldfish its bearly moving and laying on bottom of tank and not eating. what do i do?
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