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Pure acetic acid (vinegar) is clear in appearance. Dark vinegar is due to malt used in the manufacturing process.

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Q: What is vinegar appearance?
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What is appearance of vinegar?

clear liquid

What is the appearance of the soy sauce mixed on vinegar?

The answer depends on what sort of vinegar it is. Malt vinegar and soy sauce are quite similar in appearance so the mixture would not look particularly different.

What is appearance of vinegar mix on soy sauce?

When vinegar is mixed with soy sauce, the resulting appearance is usually a darker liquid with a slightly thinner consistency compared to soy sauce alone. The vinegar adds a tangy flavor and a slight acidity to the mixture, while still retaining the rich color of the soy sauce.

Why does vinegar dissolve in water and not in cooking oil?

we dont know. the only answer is that vinegar is water-soluble, but not oil-soluble.Water and vinegar are polar, making them hydrophilic therefore they can interact with each other giving the appearance of mixing.Oil is non-polar and hyrdophobic therefore will not mix with water or vinegar

How do you know when vinegar diffuses into a cube?

You can tell when vinegar diffuses into a cube by observing changes in the cube's appearance, such as swelling, softening, or change in color. You can also use a pH indicator to detect the presence of vinegar within the cube.

Is a oil and vinegar dressing is a suspension colloid or solution?

Oil and vinegar dressing is a suspension because it consists of two immiscible liquids (oil and vinegar) that do not dissolve into each other. The vinegar forms droplets that are dispersed throughout the oil, creating a cloudy appearance.

How do you remove bleach stains on clothing with vinegar?

To remove bleach stains on clothing with vinegar, soak the stained area in a mixture of water and white vinegar for 15-30 minutes, then wash the garment as usual. The vinegar can help to neutralize the bleach and minimize the appearance of the stain, but may not completely remove it. It's best to test a small hidden area of the fabric first to ensure the vinegar doesn't cause any damage.

What is the appearance of steel wool after twenty minutes in vinegar?

After 20 minutes in vinegar, steel wool will start to dissolve due to the acetic acid in the vinegar reacting with the iron in the steel wool. This will cause the steel wool to become thinner, weaker, and discolored.

What is amethyst reaction to vinegar?

Amethyst is a type of quartz that is generally resistant to mild acids like vinegar. However, prolonged exposure to vinegar may cause etching on the surface of the amethyst, leading to a duller appearance. It is not recommended to clean amethyst jewelry with vinegar.

What is the appearance of acetic acid?

Acetic acid is a clear, colorless liquid with a strong, pungent odor.

What happens if you shake a closed bottle of water and vinegar and let it settle for 5 minutes?

If you mix water and vinegar (acetic acid) it forms a homogeneous solution (mixture). Shaking it and letting it stand for 5 minutes will not change the appearance or the composition of the solution. So, basically noting happens.

What can you use instead of sherry vinegar?

brown rice vinegar OR Chinese black vinegar (cheaper) OR red wine vinegar + sugar or honey OR sherry vinegar OR fruit vinegar