

What is the while of an egg?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is the while of an egg?
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What in the fertilized egg which is not found in the unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the unfertilized egg which is not found in fertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the fertilized egg which is not found in unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

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Can you get your period while the egg is being fertilized?

no because if the egg is then fertilised, then you will become pregnant, and you do not have periods while you are pregnant.

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No; having part of an egg come out of the shell while boiling does not mean the egg was bad. It means the heat caused the bubble of air inside the egg to expand, cracking the shell, and allowing a bit of the egg white to escape.

What serves as the main food of the chick while inside the egg?

albumin egg white

How can you get a Celebi egg?

well in Soulsilver you can get a Celebi egg if you go to Gamestop and get a Celebi and get the Pokemon and get a ditto and wait a while and boom you have a egg

What Pokemon hatches from the egg given to you?

It depends. Walk around for a while and watch your egg hatch!!

What does a chick eat while in the egg?

Nothing, it gets its nutrition from the white and the yolk already in the egg.

What are the 3 main differences between the sperm and egg cell?

*sperm is active while egg is not. *there is absence of vitelline membrane while in egg it is present. *flagellum is present, in egg flagellum is absent.sperm have tail eggs don'tsperm is small eggs are bigsorry that's all i no

What feeds a chick while it is in the egg?

The chick grows in the albumen (the white of the egg) and feeds off the yolk.