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There's no dime called a "wheat dime". There are the famous wheat CENTS, of course, that carry the images of two wheat ears on the back, but a 1901 dime has a wreath on the back and is frequently called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber.

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Q: What is the value of a 1901 wheat dime?
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What is the Value of a 1901 Mercury dime?

That would be worth a lot being that they didn't start making them till 1916. A 1901 dime would be a Barber dime . Please see the question "What is the value of a 1901 US dime?" for more information.

What is the value of a 1910 wheat dime?

There's no dime called a "wheat dime". There are the famous wheat CENTS, of course, that carry the images of two wheat ears on the back, but a 1910 dime has a wreath on the back and is frequently called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber.

Will you decrease the value of 1901 dime if you clean it?

Cleaning reduces the value of any coin.

What is the value of a 1901 wheat penny?

Wheat pennies were made for the first time in 1909, with a date of 1901 the coin is a Indian Head cent and average value is 50 cents to $2.00 for circulated coins.

1901 wheat penny?

there are no 1901 wheat cents wheat cents were made from 1909 to 1958 1901 is a indian head penny

Whats the value on a 1901 Lincoln wheat penny?

Lincoln pennies weren't minted until 1909.

What does a 1901 dime look like?

See the related links below labeled "Front" and "Back" for a picture of a 1901 US dime.

How much is a 1913 wheat dime worth?

The wheat design was used on pennies. This coin is normally called a Barber or Liberty Head dime.

Are Dime bars wheat free?

There are no reports that Daim bars are wheat free.

What is the value of a 1903 wheat dime?

Please check again and post a new question. There has never been a "wheat dime". In 1903 dimes carried a picture of Miss Liberty and were called Barber dimes after their designer, Charles Barber. The only coins to be named for wheat were the famous wheat cents struck from 1909 to 1958. Please see the Related Questions for more information.

What is the value of a 1901 VDB wheat penny?

There is no such coin. The first Lincoln cents were struck in 1909. See the attached link for prices.

What is the value of a 1901 half dime?

Please post a new question with the coin's country of origin. The last US half dimes were minted in 1873.