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Q: What is the synonyms for eating a lot?
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Is eating and grazing a synonyms?

yes they are....

What are synonyms of not eating?

Fasting, abstaining from food, not consuming food.

What are the synonyms for the word a lot?

what is the synonym word of lot

What are synonyms of ruller?

There are a lot of synonyms for the word ruler. Some of these synonyms include leader, lord, dictator, autocrat, governor, and princess.

What is a synonym for not a lot?

a few synonyms for not a lot is few , little, and scarce

What are synonyms for much?

Many, plenty, and a lot.

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all, the lot, each thing

What are synonyms of tons?

ginormous amounts, a lot, many, so much that ...

What are synonyms of the word undressed?

There are very little synonyms for the word 'undressed'. However the few available include: deshabille, dishabille, naked and nude. However the word 'undress' has a lot more synonyms.

Static character synonyms?

Changeless character,fixed character,passive character...etc. look up static on google and you will get a lot of synonyms.

What are synonyms of surviving in a cruel world?

living for another day and eating a chicken dinner while on the shitter

What are synonyms of parking lot?

Some other words are:car parkgarageparkparking garage