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Q: What is the specialized stem of a squash?
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Can you List the three identifying characteristics of stem cells?

Self-renewal: Stem cells can replicate and produce more stem cells indefinitely. Potency: Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various specialized cell types. Longevity: Stem cells have a long lifespan compared to other cells in the body.

Examples of specialized stem?


PLEASE give you some examples of specialized stem?


What are some specialized stem?

tanunq moh xa buwan

Unspecialized cells that become specialized when they mature are called?

Stem cells

What are the example of specialized stem?


What cell is a partly specialized cell which is the daughter of a stem cell?

A progenitor cell is a partly specialized cell that is the daughter of a stem cell. Progenitor cells have a more limited differentiation potential compared to stem cells and are committed to differentiating into specific cell types.

Is the corm of gabi are specialized root?

Yes, the corm of gabi (taro) is a specialized underground stem that stores nutrients for the plant. It is a storage organ that helps the plant survive adverse conditions such as drought.

Is a corgette a stem?

No. Courgette (also known as zucchini) is a kind of squash. It is not the stem of a plant. It is an seed-bearing fruit comprising the ovary of a flower, picked before maturity.

Where are stem cells in humans?

stem cells exist throughout the body and they respond to certain needs in the body by becoming specialized cells.