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the source of pesticides in our food items is mainly the rough agricultural practices and use o concentrated pesticides and fertilisers which are used for a better yield

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11y ago

Reducing the amount of pesticide on food always wash your food with clean water before it is cooked and ate. If possible try to peel it this helps the levels of pesticides, trim the fat from all meats and always cook your food thoroughly.

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Q: What is the source of pesticides in the food items?
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Could pesticides get into human body from the source through other food products too?

Yes, pesticides can enter the human body through food products that contain residues from the use of pesticides. These residues can transfer from the source food to other products during processing or cooking, increasing the risk of human exposure. It is important to follow safety guidelines and regulations to minimize pesticide exposure through food consumption.

Pesticides are helpful for increasing the food supply . which use of pesticides is most dangerous for humans?

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What do biodegradable pesticides prevent?

soil, water, and food getting contaminated by pesticides

Why do animals at the end of a food web have more pesticides?

Pesticides are cumulative, so the animals at the end of the food web have more of them.

Is food better for your health with pesticides or without pesticides?

pesticides kill insects. Pesticides contain carcinogenic ingredients. Pesticides have warning lables that say not to inhale them or make contact with their skin. You do the math.

How do pesticides get into grebes?

thru food

What is used to bite things?

Your Teeth are a good source for biting into things such as apple or everyday food items

Why should school serve organic food?

So children do not get unnecessary pesticides, and because schools are public institutions and purchase a lot of food, so farm workers do not get unnecessary pesticides, and the environment is not poisoned with unnecessary pesticides.

Is Windex a pesticide?

Pesticides, need not be chemicals. Some pesticides are made from certified organic and or food grade materials.

Are there any normal household items that act as an odorless tasteless poison?

Anti freeze, pesticides and prescription medication can all be poisonous. It is a good idea to keep these away from food or where they can be found by children.

Who founded organic food?

No one founded organic food. Growing food organically, without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, was the way food was grown before chemical fertilizers and pesticides were created, patented, and marketed.

How does using the pesticides affect the food chain?
