One of the main reasons candy canes were created is because they never "go bad" if lest in the cellophane wrappers. Depending on your climate, however, the will get a little soggy or soft as they are kept. While the texture is altered slightly, the flavor remains the same and the only health risk is the only normal health risks of sugar.
They have more preservatives in the candy just like food so that it has a longer shelf life.
It is on the shelf around where the feathered mask is. It is very small. Hope this helped!
Pez candy really doesnt go bad at all i am a huge collector of pez i allmost have 500 and i put a package og pez candy up on a shelf in 2003 and i opended it up last year (december 29, 2008) and it tasted like a brand new package
Sweets that have a lasting shelf life are the kinds that have no dairy. For example, candy canes last almost indefinitely.
Whar is the shelf life of the " Idioms "
The shelf life of Chloramphenicol when it is unopened is 24 months. The shelf life when it's opened is 28 days.
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