

Best Answer

The word "we" is used as the subject of a sentence. Theword "us" is the object of a prepositional phrase. For instance: In the sentence "We went to Texas." "We" is the subject, "went" is the verb, and "Texas" is the object of the preposition "to". In the sentence "He spoke to us." the subject is "He", the verb is "spoke" and "us" is the object of the preposition "to".

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Q: What is the rubbed dough method?
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When preparing biscuits scones or other breads made with the rubbed-dough method it is important to?

your work surface should be cool to very cool to keep down the heat that will be caused by friction when working with the dough. if you happen to have a marble cutting board that works great

Rubbed dough method?

Rubbing in is when you blend fat into flour, for example when making pastry. Traditionally you'd do this using your fingers to literally rub the fat into the flour until you make it to a consistency like breadcrumbs. The quickest way to do it though is to use a food processor!

What is the straight dough process?

The straight dough process is a method of bread making where all the ingredients (flour, yeast, water, salt, etc.) are mixed together at the same time, and then the dough is left to rise once before shaping and baking. It is a simpler and quicker method compared to other bread-making processes, such as the sponge and dough method.

When making lean dough you should use what method?

the method to make lean dough is to make sure you roll and pound it non stop for at least 5 min that way your do is is lean and tender

What is a sponge dough?

A sponge dough is used to develop the flavor of the dough as it is left to rise over a certain time period specified in the recipe; this can be overnight or for several days. Sponges can be used for sourdoughs and ciabatta breads.

What is the difference between the muffin method and the biscuit method?

in the muffin method you include the fat with the liquids , in the biscuit method you cut the fat (cold) into the dry ingredients. Also, in the biscuit method, you have to knead the dough, roll it and cut it

What is the cool rise method?

The cool rise method is a technique used in bread-making where the dough is allowed to ferment at a cooler temperature for a longer period of time, typically in the refrigerator. This slow fermentation process enhances the flavor and texture of the bread. It is a great method to use if you want to prepare the dough in advance and bake it later.

What is the difference between the biscuit methods and muffin method?

in the muffin method you include the fat with the liquids , in the biscuit method you cut the fat (cold) into the dry ingredients. Also, in the biscuit method, you have to knead the dough, roll it and cut it

What is dough method?

It is where all the ingredients are added at the beginning, as opposed to making a 'sponge' then adding other ingredients later.

How do you knead?

One method for kneading bread dough (once the ingredients are mixed): # Work the dough into a ball # Restrain one end of the dough with one hand and push the other end with the heel of the second hand away from yourself and across the work surface to stretch the dough. Do not push far enough to tear the dough. # Bring back the stretched dough with the second hand onto the area of dough in the first hand and press down firmly. # Rotate the dough about 90 degrees and repeat until the dough is very stretchy and does not tear readily. (Usually 15 minutes of work.) One test for the readiness of the dough is that if a fingertip pressed about a cm into the dough and released the dough will bounce back most of the way. Kneading incorporates air pockets into the dough through folding and activates the gluten proteins in the flour to bind the dough giving it strength and resilience.

How is bread made in America?

The straight dough process, the sponge method, and continuous production are how most America bread is made

What two ingredients are rubbed in together?

Two common ingredients that are often rubbed together in recipes are butter and flour, typically used to create a crumbly texture for things like pie dough or streusel toppings. Rubbing these two ingredients together helps to evenly distribute the fat and create a tender, flaky result.