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There are many purposes of a self certification sick note. The purpose of a self certification sick note is to prove that one should be excused from working because they are "not fit for work".

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Q: What is the purpose of a self certification sick note?
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You return to work the day after your sick note ends

Do you get sick pay for being off work with Swine Flu?

Answer: In the UK if a person has been diagnosed with swine 'flu they can self-certify for 2 weeks. This is a special provisions as normal length of time for self-certification is 5 days. UK law maintains that people who are ill, either self-certified or doctor-certified, must be paid.

When on suspension can you then sent in sick note?

You suspension is as long as your employer says. You cannot change it to sick leave, even if sick.

If you call in sick without a sick note can an employer ask you to come in?

Yes they can tell you that you have to come in.

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