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Q: What is the process of rotting of gummy skin of jute in water?
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Soaking the jute plants in water is called?


Which is the process by which jute fiber is obtained from the bark of jute plant?

jute plant is obtained from the stem of the jute plant

What is the process of separating jute fiber called?


What is the effect of scarification on jute mallow seeds?

Scarification can enhance germination in jute mallow seeds by breaking down the seed coat, making it easier for water and oxygen to penetrate the seed and kickstart the germination process. This process can help improve the overall germination rate and speed up seedling emergence.

What is jute carding?

Jute carding is the process of separating and straightening the fibers of jute, a natural vegetable fiber used in various industries. This process involves passing the jute fibers through a series of rollers to align them in a parallel orientation before further processing. Carding helps improve the quality of jute fibers for spinning and weaving purposes.

Where jute plant is grown?

Jute plants are primarily grown in countries with a tropical climate, such as India, Bangladesh, China, and Southeast Asian countries. These regions provide the warm temperatures and high humidity required for jute cultivation.

Scientific name of jute?

Scientific names of jute are as follows: - for white jute = corchorus capsularis - for tossa jute = corchorus olitorius

Which of the six fabrics- denims cotton wool nylon polyester and jute insulate best when wrapped around a tumbler full of hot water?

jute wool

Why is the stem of the jute plant immersed in water after harvesting?

The stems of the jute plant are immersed in water after harvesting to facilitate the process of retting. Retting is a technique used to separate the fibers from the woody core of the plant. Immersing the stem in water helps break down the pectin binding the fibers to the core, making it easier to extract the fibers for further processing.

How is jute obtained?

from the jute plant

What are the disadvantages of jute?

jute has no brightness

Which is the main source of jute?

Jute fibres are obtained from two plants; White Jute (Corchorus capsularis) and Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius).