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The potato blight.

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Q: What is the plague that killed all the potatoes in Ireland called?
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What was the difference between bibonic and pneumonic plague?

The Bubonic plague killed one third of Europe and much of Asia. I'm not sure there was such a thing as the "Numonic" plague. There is, however, something called pneumonic plague, which is a lung disease.

Which town in Ireland was not affected by the black plague?


When in history were cats killed?

In the bubonic plague people thought that the blakc death or plague was carried by cats and not Rats or fleas and killed the cats.

Why is the black plague a crisis?

the black plague was a crisis because it killed lots of people

What was the plague that killed Egypts first born?

The plague that killed Egypt's firstborn was the tenth and final plague in the biblical story of Exodus. It was known as the plague of the death of the firstborn, where all firstborn children in Egypt, including animals, were said to have died. This event ultimately compelled Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery.

How was Shakespeare's plague communicated?

Do you mean the disease called the plague or the black death which was common in Shakespeare's time? Its proper name is Bubonic plague. It was communicated by fleas which lived on rats. It is estimated that it killed 75 million people across Asia and Europe.

How did the lack of cats make the plague worse?

The plague was spread by rats, which the cats would have killed.

Did any animals die from the bubonic plague?

yes,you can get the bubonic plague from animals if you ever get really get close to an animal that is sick.Back then they called it the Black Death witch killed lots of people.

Can you give me a sentence with the word plague in it?

The plague is a big event in history.I'm as disorganized as a plague pit at the moment.The plague orginated in Europe.Here is the sentence:Can you use plague in a sentence?orI dont know how to use plague in a sentence.The plague hit many citizens in the Middle Ages and killed almost 2/5ths of the population.One sentence with the word plague is "The plague is a very contagious disease."

How was Shakespeare's writing affected by the black plague?

Shakespeare was alive later than when the plague killed Europe.

What diseases killed the Amerindians?

Smallpox,influenza,bubonic plague,pneumonic plague because they lacked immunity.

Why did the bubonic plague have an effect on Europe?

It killed everyone...