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The general idea is it was developed by the Sumerians around 3000 BC. It's probably much older than that. Once you've butchered an animal and made use of all the good bits, you chop up the bits some might consider not very nice, such as offal and noses and things, and mix them with fat. Then you squeeze them into the intestines of the deceased animal cook them one way or another. The Scottish haggis and the Irish blood puddings are cooked in the stomach of the animal. Interestingly, the Catholic church in Rome, way back, banned the sausage, for health reasons. Today sausages in most parts of the Western world are required to contain named parts of animals and a limited amount of fat. Nobody has ever been able to explain why a sausage sizzling in a pan or barbecue doesn't taste as good as it smells while cooking.

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12y ago



Way back in ancient times, thousands of years ago, it was probably either the Greeks or the Romans who first invented sausages.

The word sausage has its Latin roots from salsus, meaning "prepared by salting". This might lead us to come to the conclusion that the Romans invented the sausage.

In fact the first sausages date back to the Sumerian culture in Mesopotamia. Another early mention of sausages is from China in 589 BC. Greek author Epicharmus even wrote a comic play around 500 BC entitled "The Sausage". To achieve such notoriety sausages must have been a very important part of Greek meals.

Three European countries are famous for their sausages:

  • Germany with its broad variety of sausages
  • France with its most popular dried sausages
  • Hungary with its spicy sausages

The most famous quotation about sausages was made by Otto Von Bismarck, German politician (1815-1898): "Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made."

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14y ago

Middle English sausige, from Anglo-French sauseche, saucis, from Late Latin salsicia, from Latin salsus salted

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1111 by a sausage cdbjhnj g jkbfajn dilfhhhjd fnfjb

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