The pronoun is I., a word that takes the place of the noun for the person speaking.The pronoun 'I' is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.The personal pronouns are: I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them.
Anatra arrosto is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "roast duck".Specifically, the feminine noun anatra means "duck". The masculine adjective/noun/past participle arrostotranslates as "roast, roasted". The pronunciation will be "A-na-tra ar-RO-sto" in Italian.
The preposition is the word "of." The phrase "of chicken" modifies the noun "type."
A prepositional phrase is when the phrase starts with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. Therefore the prepositional phrase in 'A chicken has a comb on its head?' is 'on its head'.
"we" is a pronoun."class" is a noun.The entire phrase--"We will not have a class."--is a complete sentence.
External is an adjective and conflict is a noun. The entire phrase external conflict is reffered to as a noun.
External is an adjective and conflict is a noun. The entire phrase external conflict is reffered to as a noun.
Actually, "in the event" is an entire prepositional phrase. In is the preposition and event is the object (a noun).
Actually, "at the fair" is an entire prepositional phrase. At is the preposition and fair is the object (a noun).
The word 'roasted' is a verbal adjective; the past participle of the verb to roast. Example sentence:The roasted duck was delicious.Another verbal adjective is the present participle of the verb to roast, roasting. Example sentence:This recipe calls for a roasting chicken.
No, roast is a: verb -- We can roast the pork on the weekend. noun -- Put the roast in the oven now. adjective -- That roast pork smells good.
They could be used as several different parts of speech. Typically the entire phrase acts as one part of speech... a noun phrase, a verb phrase, etc.