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The custard is called vanilla custard or vanilla cream. It has no complex name. This is a recipe for the filling:

Boston Cream Pie Vanilla Custard Pastry Cream

* 2 cups whole milk

* 4 large egg yolks

* 1/2 cup white sugar

* 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, sifted

* 2 Tablespoons butter

* 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

How To Make Vanilla Pastry Cream

1. Scald milk, being careful not to boil, set aside while whipping the yolks and sugar.

2. In a medium size bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar together with mixer until pale and thick.

3. Add white flour and continue whisking.

4. Very slowly, beat hot milk into eggs being careful not to curdle. Pour back into pan and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil then turn heat to low.

5. Cook on low for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in butter and vanilla.

6. Turn off heat. Let cool, placing plastic wrap on top and refrigerate for 2-4 hours.

7. Makes plenty to fill a Boston Cream Pie.

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Q: What is the name of the custard in Boston Cream Pies?
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