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Q: What is the most expensive cut of meat per pound for swine?
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Most expensive cuts of meat come from what portion?


What part of the cow is the most expensive meat to buy?

The most expensive meat to buy from the cow is filet mignon. It comes from the muscle on the cow that does the least amount of work, the short loin, and this means it is the most tender.

What is the landrace pig used for?

Landrace pigs are a breed known for their high fertility, good mothering abilities, and fast growth rates. They are primarily used in commercial pig farming operations for pork production due to their exceptional meat quality and lean muscle development. Landrace pigs are also commonly used in crossbreeding programs to improve the performance of other pig breeds.

Is there an at home way to test pigs for Swine Flu?

No, as of now there are no commercial kits available to test for swine flu at home. The current method of identifying influenza in swine by diagnostic laboratory testing is by using PCR or ELISA, both of which require expensive equipment or expensive reagent in addition to an operator with biochemistry background and education. Pigs are most often diagnosed with influenza based on their symptomology, the same as are humans.

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The most expensive chocolate in the world is called the Madeline from Knipschildt Chocolatier. Each piece of chocolate costs $250 and a pound is worth $2,600.

What is the most expensive meat?

Of generally available cured meats San Daniele from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Parma Ham from Emilia Romagna and Salame Sant Angelo from Sicily cost the most per etto or gramme. There are many more but tend not to be distributed nationally.

500 pound of marijuana?

Very Expensive, most people take years to smoke one pound. the price depending on location is hundreds of thousands to millions

What meat of the cow is the most expensive?

It is the prime cuts, eg fillet sirloin, rump, rib eye etc. these are the cuts that are less frequently used by the animal, so are more tender and more expensive. Fillet is the most expensive.

Do Germans eat horse meat?

i am German and no normally we don't eat horse meat. in special shops you can get horse meat but most people hate the ones eating horse meat. its also very less and expensive.

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i phone 4s elite gold stuart hughes 6 million pound.

Which wood is most expensive and why?

One of the most expensive woods is agarwood. It costs $5,000.00 per pound for the oil resin. It also costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per pound for the wood itself. This is due to supply being very low and demand being higher than the supply. The oil is used for incense.

Can animals be cured of Swine Flu?

Most animals are able to fight it off like most people are. There is a vaccine for pigs for one type of swine flu but it is not the same as the pandemic swine flu vaccine.