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There is no "medicine" that is used for dairy cows to increase milk production. Only a particular growth hormone called rBGH or recominant Bovine Growth Hormone.

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Q: What is the medicine used for dairy cows to increase milk production?
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Why is rBGH given to many U.S dairy cows?

To increase milk production.

Another name for a dairy cow?

There is no "other" name. Dairy cows are dairy cows, no matter how you look at it, particularly in reference to mature females that are raised for the production of milk.

What is the hormone that promotes growth and milk production in dairy cows?

The hormone that is injected into dairy cows for increased growth and milk production is called recombinant Bovine Somatotrophin Hormone or rBST, purchased as Posilac by American dairy farmers.

What does dairy farming mean?

Dairy farming is an agricultural term to mean the long term production of milk, generally from dairy cows. The production can either be done onsite or transferred to a dairy factory.

What is the genus species of dairy?

The genus and species of dairy cows commonly used for milk production is Bos taurus.

What are jersey cows used for mainly?

Jerseys are mainly used for milk (dairy) production.

How many dairy cows are there in the world.....?

As of 2021, there are around 266 million dairy cows in the world. The top dairy cow producing countries include India, the US, China, Brazil, and Germany. Dairy cows are primarily raised for milk production.

Does the hormone estrogen increase the milk yield of dairy cows?

No, it decreases milk yield.

What types of cows are in Pakistan?

Sahiwal is a breed of Zebu cattle which primarily is used in dairy production.

What dairy cows can handle tropical climate?

Dairy cows that are crossbred to zebu-type cattle are the best types that will handle a tropical climate. Even pure B. indicus cattle that are selectively bred for dairy production are the best for handling such climates.

What is a dairy cows breed?

Milk is the most important product that dairy cows have to offer, and it has become sort of a necessity for dairy farmers to being breeding heifers as soon as they are able to. A cow cannot produce milk until after calving or parturition (or giving birth). So at around two years of age, the heifers are bred to give birth and officially become dairy cows that can produce milk. Dairy cows will reach its milk production peak at around 40 to 60 days after giving birth. After that, production will steadily decrease. Eventually the milking will cease when the cow is dried off after about 305 days. The dairy cow can calve again a year after her first birth. For high production cows, though, it is viewed that 13 or 14 month cycles is appropriate because high production cows are more difficult to breed. I got more information like this from

When dairy farmer chooses to breed the cows that give the most milk in the herd the farmer are following the principle of?

When a dairy farmer chooses which cows to breed based upon milk production, he is taking advantage of natural selection.