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Its when the food goes into the lungs instead of the normal digestion root because you swallowed too fast and your lungs aren't suppose to have anything other then oxygen in them so you have a coughing fit.

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Q: What is the meaning when people say the food went down the wrong pipe?
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It is not an idiom. It is an expression. The difference is that an idiom's meaning cannot be derived from the meaning of its individual words. In the expression wolfing down food, the meaning is clearly derived from the meaning of the words, and people have been saying it for hundreds of years.

Can food end up in your lungs if food goes down the wrong way?


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What does it mean when someone says food went down the wrong tube what?

The food went down the trachea, the one that leads to the lungs

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What!? i dont why you asked that stupid question. naw it dont help break down no dang food. whats wrong with you!

Why do you cough when a piece of food goes the wrong way?

That is called the 'Gag Reflex'. The reflex prevents any liquid or solid food from getting into the lungs by going down the wrong (the Esophagus and not the Trachea).

Meaning of go food?

It is simply food that you eat on the go. I am sure that some people use it to mean food or beverages that give you energy but I highly doubt that is the original meaning.

Does lungs absorb food and liquid that goes down into lungs?

No. Food and liquids should not go down into the lungs. That is why one coughs excessively when food or liquid "goes down the wrong tube." Aspiration is the term for breathing food or liquid into the lungs, and frequently causes a severe pneumonitis and may result in pneumonia.

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Nothing is wrong with Malaysian food.