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Q: What is the meaning of the proverb Dumplings are better than cherry blossoms?
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What is the meaning of proverb 'who travels fastest who travels alone?

you get things done better when you do them without help

Is it better to make your dumplings bitesize or larger?

Dumplings can be made large or small but many people prefer them to be bitesize.

What is the meaning of the proverb its better to be alone than in bad company with examples?

Because bad company can and does lead one astray.

What is the meaning of the proverb A live dog is better than a dead lion?

This proverb means that it is better to be alive and humble than to be powerful but now deceased. It emphasizes the value of life and the importance of staying humble and grateful for what one has.

Name a proverb and its meaning?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush : It is better to accept the little we have than reject it hoping to get a lot later

What proverb has initial letters tbtdtbtd?

The Better The Day, The Better The Deed

How long can you leave chicken and dumplings at room temperature?

Two hours is the maximum time that chicken and dumplings can be left at room temperature. Less time is better.

What is the meaning of the proverb 'If things were to be done twice all would be wise'?

The proverb means that if people were given a second chance to redo certain areas of their life they would probably make better decisions than the decisions they had previously made. This proverb is similar to the one that goes "I wish I knew then what I know now," since if the person knew in the past what was going to occur in the future or what the outcome of their decision was they could change it in order to make the outcome a better one.

What is a sentence for the proverb better late than never?

"Better late than never" is a sentence.

Sentence with the proverb better safe than sorry?

better safe than sorry sentence

What is the difference between a idiom and a proverb?

IDIOM:a group of words which, when used together, have a different meaning from the one suggested by the individual words (e.g. it was raining cats and dogs). PROVERB: a short memorable saying that expresses a truth or gives a warning, for example is half a loaf is better than no bread.

What is the best way to write the part of the sentence that is in bold better late than never and has become a favorite proverb for those who never get anything done on time?

"Better late than never" has become a favorite proverb