The accumulation of soluble mineral salts near the surface of soil, usually caused by the capillary flow of water from saline ground water.
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The accumulition in the soil of salts which are posionous for plants.
In the past, farmers estimated the extent of salinisation on their properties in response to questionnaires issued by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This method is thought to have underestimated the extent of salinisation, partly because the definition and recognition of salinisation varies between farmers. Nor do such methods provide maps of where the salinity is, where it is spreading to, or the rate at which it is spreading.
At the moment yes. Water is obtained through de-salinisation of sea water as well as reverse-osmosis
In Australia, the state government of Victoria is creating a de-salinisation plant to convert sea water into drinking water in order to combat the effects of a long and severe drought in the region. And I think the idea came from Dubai.
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The roots of trees are of primary importance in preventing soil erosion, because they physically hold the soil in place, and also because they transport water up from the ground, thus supporting other plants and preventing salinisation of the soil. The leaf canopies are also important for soil conservation, because they shelter the soil and smaller plants from the drying effects of sunshine and wind and the erosive effects of wind and heavy rain.
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