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In order to find out that information, you would have to look up the longest Chewing Gum time without removing from your mouth in the book of world records.

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Q: What is the longest time someone has had gum in their mouth?
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What is the longest someone has chew gum?

7 hours.

The longest someone gum?

about 29478375 minutes by zach

How do you hold bubble gum on your mouth in poptropica?

you just costumize yourself with someone else that is holding gum on their mouth

The longest time chewing gum with the gum out to sleep and to eat?

72 hours

How long can you keep gum in your mouth?

there is no limented time to keeping gum in you mouth but the record is 12 hrs. 53 mins. and 42 secs.

How do you beat the worlds longest time to chew gum with people believing you that you did it?

Video it.

Which gum last the longest?

i might be right or not but, Hubba Bubba will last the longest. if i am not right do it your self

Do dentists stick needles in your gum when you go get a tooth pulled?

Not in your gum, in the side of your mouth close to your gum Not in your gum, in the side of your mouth close to your gum

Which gum last longer juiciy fruit or double mint gum?

Question:Which gum last longer?Answer:The gum flavor that last the longest for me is Doublemint. It tastes really good. One time I feel asleep with a piece of it in my mouth and when I woke up the gum was still juicy. I was like that is so AWESOME!!!!!Question2. Which gum last longer juicy fruit or doublemint gum?I will try to test bot h of my gum juicy fruit and doublemint gum to she it is true if doublemint is juicyer than any kind of gum and if it long last in your mouth and i will test my data.How did you know that doublemint is the lastest longer flavor between juicy fruyt kuz 2 meh duhh lungest gum ever iz stride or 5 gum nd extraYeah 5 gum has the longest lasting flavor

How do you sleep with gum in your mouth?

Put gum in your mouth and fall to sleep. Simple as that.

Which gum lasts the longest between 5 gum and doublemint?

5 gum

Which gum loses its flavor fastest sour gum or regular gum?

The regular gum lasts longest. Gum gum gum