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a blue bottle jellyfish can live for about a year both in the wild and captivity.

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Q: What is the lifespan of a bluebottle jellyfish?
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Does a bluebottle have a backbone?

No, bluebottles do not have backbones. They are invertebrates, belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, which includes jellyfish and corals.

Can a bluebottle jellyfish survive on land?


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What are some ememies of bluebottle jellyfish?

The enemies of a bluebottle jellyfish is a whale, shark,certain big fish, swordfish. To search more about this question google what are some enemies of bluebottle jellyfish.One of my college majors was marine life study.So i was interested to hear this question.

Do bluebottle jellyfish live live in New Zealand?

Yes, the bluebottle jellyfish does live in the waters off of the coast of New Zealand. They are also found off of the coast of Australia and are considered to be dangerous to swimmers.

Australian animal starting with J?

Jabiru aka a black necked stork. Hope this helps:)

What is the lifespan of a purple striped jellyfish?

The lifespan is 2-6 months.

Why do Australians sometimes avoid the sea in summer?

Summer is prime season for dangerous marine creatures such as box jellyfish and irukandji jellyfish. It is also prime time for the extremely painful bluebottle stingers.

What is the Portuguese man-o'-war?

It is a jellyfish-like marine creature, also known as the Bluebottle. They have venomous tentacles that can give a painful sting.

How long can a Moon jellyfish live?

The average lifespan is three to four months.

When was Bluebottle Stew created?

Bluebottle Stew was created in 1972.

What is the life span of a jellyfish?

The lifespan of a jellyfish varies depending on the species, but most jellyfish live for only a few months to a year. Some species, such as the Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish, are capable of reverting back to their polyp stage and essentially have the potential to be immortal.