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The sea star is often percieved as a starfish, but is is not a fish at all. It is part of a group called echinoderms. This group also includes sea cucumbers and sea urchins. They all have tube feet, they're invertabraes, they have a skeleton under their skin and they have no head.

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10y ago
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15y ago

Starfish are in the animal kingdom because they have all the normal attributes of animals; their cells have membranes rather than cell walls, they have muscles and nerves and can move at will, etc.

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16y ago

They belong to the Animalia (Animal) kingdom.

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14y ago

Asteroidea, which is in the phylum Echinodermata, in the kingdom Anamalia.
I don't know the name, but I know they are in the same family as sand dollars and sea cucumbers.

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14y ago

Animalia. Sea stars, along with sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sand dollars, are of the phylum Echondermata, which is part of the animal kingdom.

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13y ago

Starfish belong to the class Asteroidea and the phylum Echinoderm.

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12y ago

patrick star

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16y ago

Forcipulata for the regular starfish

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13y ago

Yes and many others to

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Q: What is the kingdom of starfish?
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What is the name of kingdom the starfish is in?

Starfish are in the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Echinodermata, and Class Asteroidae.

What is the kingdom for sea urchins and starfish?

Kingdom Animalia.

What is kingdom and phylum for starfish?

kingdom Animalia, phylum Echinodermata.

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What is the group of true starfish?

A group of starfish collectively is called a tird. The phylum of starfish is called Echinodermata and the kingdom is Animalia.

What order does a starfish belongs to?

Starfish belongs to multiple orders. Some of them are Valvatida, Forcipulatida, Paxillosida, Brisingida, and Notomyotida. Starfish belong to the Animalia kingdom.

What kingdom does a starfish belong to?

Same kingdom as humans. Invertebrates phylum of Echinoderms, specific Asteroidea.

What is the kindomphylumand class of a starfish?

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata

Poptropica how do you open the door at kingdom posedion?

go to the museum of Mt. Olympus and jump up to where the statue of posedion is and jump up to the starfish (it will go to your inventory). go to the kingdom of posedion and use your starfish.

What is the taxonomy of a starfish?

Starfish belong to the kingdom Animalia, phylum Echinodermata, class Asteroidea. Within the class Asteroidea, there are around 1,600 species of starfish that are further classified into different orders, families, genera, and species.

What are 7 levels of classifications of a starfish?

Starfish belong to the Animalia Kingdom, the Echinodermata Phylum, Asterozoa Sub-phylum, and Asteroidea Class. The seven orders of starfish are Brisingida, Forcipulatida, Notomyotida, Paxillosida, Spinulosida. Valvatida, and Velatida.

How do starfish feel?

The armour of a starfish feels very rough but once you have the starfish on your hand there are little tentacle with suction cups on the end that will stick on your hand and it will tickle a little bit.