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my hypothesis is that the dishsoap makes the colors move

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Q: What is the hypothesis for magic milk?
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What is the hypothesis in the spilled vinegar in the milk?

when the PH of the milk goes to the vinegar it lowers it concentration

What is the hypothesis for a magic balloon project?

The hypothesis of a magic balloon project, as with any project depends on what you are trying to prove from your experiment. If you were trying to prove that a certain kind of balloon stretches farther than another type, your hypothesis would state that.

What is a hypothesis for plastic milk?

A hypothesis for plastic milk could be: "If plastic milk packaging is replaced with a more sustainable alternative, then it will reduce plastic pollution and lead to environmental benefits."

Is the aim of an experiment similar to a hypothesis?

The aim is the goal of the experiment, for example, you may be turning milk into plastic. So the aim is to turn milk into plastic. The hypothesis is what you THINK will happen. So you might think that the milk will turn into a substance quite unlike plastic. So the aim can be quite different to a hypothesis, or very similar!

Which type of milk spoils the fastest organic fat free or fat free milk?

for my hypothesis i think fat free milk will spoil first

How do you do the milk in the newspaper magic trick?

U don't

What is the hypothesis for how to turn milk into plastic?

One hypothesis is that by adding an acid such as vinegar to milk, the protein casein will separate from the liquid whey. Then by drying and shaping the casein, a plastic-like material can be formed. Another hypothesis could be that by heating and compressing the separated casein, it can undergo polymerization to form a solid plastic material.

Where can you find magic milk straws in GA?

They are now sold at Justice for girls

What is the hypothesis of magic balloon?

The hypothesis of the magic balloon experiment could be that when air is heated, it expands and becomes less dense, causing the balloon to rise. Alternatively, it could be that the balloon rises due to the buoyant force of the heated air inside the balloon being greater than the force of gravity pulling it down.

Why is condensed milk is used in preparing magic mayonnaise?

You are mistaken. Condensed milk is not one of the ingredients in mayonnaise. If you buy a jar of it, you can read the ingredients on the label.

How do you squirt milk out of you're eyes?

You take a sip of milk then you plug your nose but don't sawllow the milk yet. Then close one eye then start to swallow you might feel a sting, but that's the milk.

Does eating magic mushrooms affect your breast-milk?

Any drug effects your breast milk. Knock it off if you are using and breast feeding. This will effect your baby all of his/her life.