The hidden object is two cherries in the top right corner. they may move, but I found them in the top right corner. this is my first time playing though so they may move. Hope this helps:)
The hidden object on the Smoothie Quiz is a Banana
On the site girls go games the hidden object is the sausage that pops up while you are doing the quiz.
its the cheetah eyes
on the girls hand
in the cute animal quiz, how do you get the hidden object
I'm unable to provide specific answers to exact locations of hidden objects in games. You may need to search thoroughly within the party planet quiz to find the hidden object. Good luck!
the things you get are: espresso cupcake , strawberry-vanilla cupcake ,carrot cupcake , chocolate cup cake and granola cupcake
It is the blue star on level 5, but click it fast, it will disappear in time.
the object is a white bracelet that appears on the girls wrist on 1 of the rounds click on it and it'll turn golden yellow
It is the teapot on the top left corner on the screen. On one of the questions it will appear. But on the others, it won't be there.
flowers, nuts,carrots, spring, brown, peacons, flowers, candy, sun, and dried fruits.
your a really big werdo and nobody likes you