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April 26, 570 AD

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Q: What is the geORGIAN calendar date of muhammad birth?
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What is date of birth of Prophet Muhammad in Islamic calendar?

The date of birth of Prophet Muhammad in Islamic calendar is:12 Rabi al Awal (Mawlid an Nabi for Sunni Muslims), and17 Rabi al Awal (Mawlid an Nabi for Shia MuslimsTwelvers)

Is it true or false Another change in French society was to no longer number years from the birth of Christ but instead to number them from the birth Muhammad?

FALSE. There is no calendar ever conceived that numbers the years from Muhammad's birth. The closest calendar to this would be the Islamic Hijri Calendar which starts from the date of Muhammad's exodus from Mecca which happened when Muhammad was about 52 years old.What did happen was that during the French Revolution, a new calendar was implemented that started counting the days since the French Revolution began in 1789 and did so in an odd configuration that spelled the end of the seven day week.

What is the date of birth of Prophet Muhammad in Islamic calendar?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born on the 12th rabi ul awal.

What is the Islamic Calendar?

It is a lunar calendar and started with the date of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) immigration (Hijra in Arabic) from Makkah (Mecca) to Medina

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you can easily convert Georgian dates to Hijri dates using many websites doing this. Georgian date started from the birth of Jesus (PBUH) and Hijri date started from date of Immigration of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca city to Medina city both in Arabia country.

How did Prophet Muhammad saw celebrate Eid?

Any date in 1 Syawal on Hijriyah calendar.

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26th October. The month of Katak in the Nanakshahi calendar (a tropical solar calendar) corresponds to 15th October to 13th November in the Gregorian calendar.

What date was dionysus born on?

Greek myth did not have a calendar. The birth date of Dionysus is therefore unknown.

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It depends on your date of birth and which calendar you use.

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Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was born in the year 1703 (exact date unknown).

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26th october 1919 is the birth date of Muhammad reza shah