Yes, bees do make their food which is honey. This is what they are famous for, honey.Yes, honey.
Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))
No, honey bees are insects that produce honey as a food source. Honey bees collect nectar from flowers and use it to make honey, which they store in their hives as a source of energy. Honey bees are not made out of honey.
Bees eat honey. actually bee's don't eat honey they produce it :-)
Forager bees collect nectar and pollen, and bring them back to the hive where they are stored. Water is evaporated from the nectar, turning it into honey. Bees eat pollen, a rich source of protein, and honey, which is a carbohydrate.
Honey badgers rely on bees for food, particularly the honey and larvae found in beehives. They have developed a specialized adaptation where they are able to withstand bee stings, allowing them to access this food source. Without bees and their honey, the survival of honey badgers would be impacted.
Manuka honey bees produce Manuka honey which comes largely from new Zealand. These bees feed on the flowers of the Manuka plant in order to produce the honey.
Bumblebees eat nectar and pollen made by flowers. The sugary nectar provides the bees with energy while the pollen provides them with protein, according to The Bumblebee Conservation Trust. They make honey by chewing the pollen and mixing it with their saliva, according to Animal Diversity Web (ADW).
Wax and honey are not the same thing. The bees make wax to store honey inside. The honey is a separate substance that the bees use for food.
Honey is the sweet substance made by bees. Bees collect nectar from flowers, then store and process it in their hives, creating honey as a food source. Honey is widely used in cooking, baking, and as a natural sweetener.
This is a web site about bee keeping...Once you have a swarm of bees working to make honey you just have to let the honey drain, or you could purchase a draner that will take the honey out of the hive for you.