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Q: What is the feeling when you touch sugar?
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touch, sense of touch, feeling, carefulness

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What is the Hebrew word for feeling?

feeling (as in sense of touch) = magá (מגע) feeling (as in emotions) = hargashá (הרגשה)

Does asparagus water give you a scalding feeling when you touch it?

I think it does. When you touch the inside of the asparagus you get a feeling the same when you touch a cooking rice cooker's top. I've never touched it before. This is my conclusion. I'm 9 years old.

What is a grainy feel?

A grainy feel refers to a texture that is rough or coarse, often resembling the texture of grains like sand or sugar. It can be perceived through touch, such as when handling a gritty substance or feeling a surface that is not smooth.

How salt feels when you touch it?

Its sort of a grainy kind of feeling

What is the song heard in the Axe 'Touch' commercial?

Reactor: "Feeling the Love"

Which one of the five senses is strongest when first born?

Feeling or touch.

Feeling with the hand is called?

Touch, stroke, feel, sense (heat)

I have a sugar level of 80 and feeling shaky, what should I do?

I have a blood sugar level of 80 and feel shaky, what should I do?

What if you have Clammy feeling with abdominal cramps?

You might be hypoglycemic,have your sugar check.

Give the meaning of touching?

of Touch, Affecting; moving; pathetic; as, a touching tale., Concerning; with respect to., The sense or act of feeling; touch.