Alektrophobia is a fear of chickens
stupiafobia trust me i have it
you have to go to hospital amidiantly?
Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens, roosters, and other fowl. It may be severe enough to include chicken eggs and dead chickens or other birds.
scared of alarms
The major thing you have to know about a bully is that they really are a big chicken. They bully other people because they are afraid inside and they bully people because it makes them feel better. The best way to combat a bully is not to show fear and not to allow them to have control. I always tell my students to picture the bully in a big yellow chicken suit standing there squawking. If you laugh at them that takes the power away. I know you are afraid ( I was bullied too as a kid) that if you make this person mad they will just hit you. If you walk away laughing and take their power they won't hit you because they count on the fear. The fear is their power, the fear is their crutch. Use it for your power.
You should ONLY feed a dog raw chicken. The only fear is the bones splintering and hurting the animal but that's why you don't cook them
That one has not been assigned a name. here's a list of food-related for you-Acerophobia- Fear of sournessAlektorophobia- Fear of chickenAlliumphobia- Fear of garlicBacillophobia- Fear of microbesBacteriophobia- Fear of bacteriaBotanophobia- Fear of plantsCarnophobia- Fear of meatCibophobia- Fear of foodConsecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticksCoprastasophobia- Fear of constipationDefecaloesiphobia- Fear of painful bowels movementsDeipnophobia- Fear of dining or dinner conversationsDipsophobia- Fear of drinkingEmetophoia- Fear of vomitingFrigophobia- Fear of cold thingsGeumophobia- Fear of tasteHematophobia- Fear of bloodHydrophobia- Fear of waterHygrophobia- Fear of liquidsIchthyophobia- Fear of fishIophobia- Fear of poisonLachanophobia- Fear of vegetablesMageirocophobia- Fear of cookingMethyphobia- Fear of alcoholMycophobia- Fear of mushroomsNecrophobia- Fear of dead thingsObesophobia- Fear of gaining weightOenophobia- Fear of wineOlfactophobia- Fear of smellsOrnithophobia- Fear of birdsOstraconophobia- Fear of shellfishOsmophobia- Fear of odorsPhagophobia- Fear of swallowingPnigophobia- Fear of chokingRhypophobia- Fear of defecationSitophobia- Fear of eatingTeniophobia- Fear of tapewormsThermophobia- Fear of hot thingsToxophobia- Fear of being accidently poisonedUrophobia- Fear of urine or urinatingVerminophobia- Fear of germsXanthophobia- Fear of the color yellowXerophobia- Fear of dryness
The phobia of chickens is Alektorophobia. It works for both a fear of roosters and of chickens in general. *note: The supervisor of this category has a rooster named Alektorophobia see Bio page