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one is normel and one is flat

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Q: What is the difference between round fish and flat fish?
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a lollipop is flat a sucker is round .there is really not a difference though

Types of round fish and flat fish?

If you google "flat fish" you will see that there are more than 500 species of "flat fish" listed. If you google "round fish" you will see that there are even more fish that are round in section than there are flat fish. I guess that means that there is not enough room here to list them all, even if I did know all their names.

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a sphere is a ball shaped or globular body. Round is having a flat circular surface as in a disk

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A round character is a character that is well developed, they are often main characters while flat characters are characters that are underdeveloped and just usually fill the story.

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Eating variety of round and flat fish?

Plaice is one, Turbot and Flounder are others. There are several roundish, flat fish that are good to eat.

What is the difference between round and flat characters?

There isn't that big of a difference between round and flat characters. For example, both are needed for the story to go on. The differences between them are that the author does not go that in depth when describing flat characters. Also, flat characters don't show as much emotion as round characters do. Lastly, the reader tends to know a lot more about a round character's personality. As stated in the article Weedflower written by Cynthia Kathoda "Sumiko stared at him then shocked herself by bursting into tears. Sumiko is a perfect example of a round character because she shows deep emotion. To conclude, round characters tend to be main characters while flat characters are usually side characters.

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a flat is bigger

What is the difference between flatworms and segmented worms?

(it would be false to say that all flatworms are parasitic--the idiot that wrote that wasn't so smart, so I had to change that-- because the PLANARIAN-for example, is flatworm and that is a harmless little critter) ~round worms are ROUND ~flat worms are FLAT ~Round worms have 2 body openings (mouth & anus) *random fact: 1/2 of all roundworms are PARASITIC, and 50 species affect humans**

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There does not have to be a difference between a tall organization structure and a flat organization structure. These structures can be the same structure.

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