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"Kosher" is an adjective. "Kashrut" is a noun.

Kosher means foods that are allowed according to the Jewish law. The word "Kashrut" has the same grammatical root and would be used in a sentence like "what is the standard of kashrut on this food;" while "kosher" would be used in a sentence like "who certifies that this is kosher."

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13y ago

Kosher literally means 'fit'. When food is kosher it means that the food was prepared following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary law). (meat- animals that chew their cud and have split hooves, fish- fins and scales, all meat must be killed a certain humane way. Milk can only come from a kosher animal, milk and meat cannot be mixed, etc)

The word parve is a term used to describe a certain type of kosher food. Something that is parve is dairy and meat free and includes all fruits and vegetables, eggs, and fish. This term is helpful in identifying whether a food can be mixed with meat or milk.

There are four categories of food in kashrut:

  1. fleishig - containing meat
  2. milchig - containing dairy
  3. parve - non- dairy, non- meat
  4. treif - not kosher

Note: Although fish is considered pareve, it is tradition that fish and meat are not served on the same plate. Also, some groups do not combine fish and dairy.

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15y ago

Kosher means the food is allowed to be consumed by a Jewsihperson, Pareve simply means it's neither milk nor meat the most common examples are fish, eggs, and produce.

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12y ago

No. Pareve means that the food item is neither meat nor dairy, such as fish, eggs, fruit, nuts and veggies. "kosher" can apply to any permitted food, whether dairy, meat or neither.

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Kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, govern the preparation and consumption of food for Jew. There is no conflict between kashrut and preparing food for diabetics.

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Synonyms for Kosher are "Fit" and "Clean" Other words used for Kosher are Kasher, Glatt and Kashrut.

Are bread ends kosher?

If the bread is certified or checked as Kosher by a Kashrut Authority, then the bread ends will also be considered kosher.

What is the difference between kosher and non-kosher?

Kosher food have been produced under the supervision or a Jewish Rabbi, whereas non kosher foods have not. _________ Correction: Kosher food does not require a Rabbi's involvement. When talking about commercially prepared food, the kitchen has to be supervised by a 'mashgiach'. Any orthodox Jew can be a mashgiach. Kosher food is prepared with kosher ingredients following the laws of kashrut.

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Mehadrin/mahadrin is a strict certification of kashrut.

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Garlic doesn't have anything specific to do with kashrut.

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Kosher refers to the process of food production. Anything prepared according to the rules of kashrut is kosher.

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