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It may be one of two diseases that could be the cause. It may also be the lack of moisture, but normally not as the plant would return to normal after a good rain or watering. This is a serious disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum or formerly known as pseudomonas solanacearum. This bacterium lives in the soil for long extended periods of time and enters the roots through wounds produced by transplanting, cultivating or insects and through natural wounds where secondary roots emerge. This disease favours high temperature and high moisrure conditions. The leaves continue to stay green but if you cross cut a stem, the center will be brown and ooze a yellowish liquid from the center of the stem. The disease reproduces quickly in the water conducting tissues of the plant and turns it into slime. This causes rapid wilting of the whole plant. Control of bacterial wilt of plants grown in infested soil is difficult. Rotation with nonsusceptible plants such as corn, beans and cabbage, for at least three years provides some control. Do not use pepper, eggplant, potato, sunflower or cosmos in this rotation. Remove and destroy any and all infected plant material. Be sure to wash hands with an antibacterial soap afterwards. Plant only certified disease free plants. The varieties Neptune, Tropic Bay, and Kewalo are partially resistant to bacterial wilt but are not common varieties. There is no chemical control available for this disease. Control can be gained by growing plants in a pathogen free soil, using disease free transplants and growing only varieties resistant to races 1 and 2 of fusarium wilt indicated by FF after the tomato variety name. Good varieties are Celebrity, Solar Set, Park's Whopper, Goliath, Dona, Big Beef, Health Kick, Viva Italia and Classica. Raising the soil to pH to 6.5 to 7.0 and using nitrate nitrogen rather than ammoniacal nitrogen will retard disease development. No chemical control is available. Try growing in containers with potting soil mixes until your ground has sat for a few years to avoid getting your plants diseased. It is suggested to plant corn or grasses the previous season for nutrients added to the soil that are beneficial to tomatoes. It is advised to rotate tomatoes every year to a new spot. I purchase my seeds from each fall for the next years plants. My favorite is Cherokee Purple. Good Luck!

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Q: What is the cure for tomato leaf curl?
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What are the Symptoms of leaf curl of tomato?

stunted plants leaf curl up as a cup shape hard leaf midrib yellow leaves

What is the definition of the tomato leaf curl virus?

The tomato leaf curl virus is a yellowing and upward curling of leaves on a tomato plant. It is a viral infection that has been transmitted through whiteflies. It will affect fruit production.

What causes leaf curl in vegetables?

Feeding, for instance aphids; leaf hoppers and rollers, and psyllids. Fungus, for instance nectarines and peaches. Spraying, for instance 2, 4 D drift; or Banvel or Roundup control reactions. Overwatering, for instance tomatoes. Viral, for instance mosaic virus; or squash or tomato yellow leaf curl virus.

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New leaf growth is caused by the cold soil causing the leaf to curl and fall off producing a new leaf. The cause of the leaf to curl can be from an aphid species or different plant diseases.

What makes tomato leaves curl?


How do you treat pepper leaf curl virus?

Throw the plant away. Once a plant is infected with a virus there is no way to cure it unless you have a lab to do tissue culture.

What insect eats the whole leaf of tomato plants?

tomato worms, also called hookworms or tobacoworms,are what eats the leaf of tomato plants.

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Sunlight causes this.

What is the leaf arrangement of a tomato tree?

first of all tomato is not a tree, but the leaf arrangement of a tomato is very wide. there are leafs who are dropping, other leafs are erect, the most hybrid tomato (cultivate tomato) have straight leafs. Leafs on tomato are almost a fingerprint, there are many variations!

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