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According to the website named MyShopping, once can purchase a Breville Sandwich Press at a price between $55-$89. Other prices are in the range of $42-$60.

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Q: What is the cost for a Breville Sandwich Press?
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Founded in Australia in 1932, the Breville company started their journey to retail success with the invention of the "sandwich toaster." The toaster became popular in 1974, at which point the company began selling their merchandise outside of Australia.

Where could one purchase a Breville Nonstick Panini Press?

Breville Nonstick Panini Presses can be purchased directly from Breville through their website. They can also be found at Best Buy, Williams Sonoma and Crate & Barrel. eBay has new and used Breville Nonstick Panini Presses listed for sale; Amazon also has several listed from independent sellers.

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What are the functions of a Breville 800CPXL?

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