If the hairs are standing up and plentiful, than the strawberry is fresh.
Strawberries were first found by the Romans, but when the Pilgrims went to the new land, the Native Americans were eating strawberries.
it is found in the united states just ling don't follow me
Archimedes- a Greek Mathimatican
No. No connection between the two has been found yet.
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Strawberries are not considered to be lipids. There is no fatty content that is found in strawberries and they are known to lower the serum cholesterol.
The connection between a superiosteal abscess and osteomyelitis is that they are both conditions of the bones. A superiosteal abscess is found between the periosteum and cortical plate of a bone and osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone.
Most of the strawberries found in grocery stores come from California. So, yeah, North America.
strawberries contain vitamin c