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twenty feet in circumference

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Q: What is the circumference of the largest apple tree in the US?
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What do you think is the lesson of the fable of the apple tree wood table at the conclusion of Walden?

The lesson at the conclusion of "Walden" with the fable of the apple tree wood table is that each of us has the potential to grow into our true selves, or that in each of us in the real us that can rise to the surface.

What is the largest kind of tree in the US?

The Giant Redwoods of Northern California

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Apple tree behind your house has given us delicious apples all summer?


What are the advantages of the fruit apple?

well, one is that one apple tree contains apples which are nutritious, and edible to basically any animal, two, one apple tree can create more apple trees when one apple falls off, and more and more and more. and #3, and apple tree is also beneficial because they are not only providers of food/nutrients/health, but they are also trees, and trees help us breath (duh)

Which US state bears the largest Christmas tree?

new york ..... grand central park

What was the tree called that Adam and Eve ate from?

The tree was called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was the one tree that God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from in the Garden of Eden.

When was the first apple tree planted in the US?

There are different types of apples, please resubmit with the type of apple. I know Granny Smith apples were first grown in Australia though.

Why do you get an orange or apple in your Christmas stocking?

It's an old tradition that goes back to the garden of Eden. The apple represents fruit from the tree of knowledge. The orange from the tree of good and evil. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, it was both punishment and grace. The grace was because they were now sinful, and had they eaten from the tree of life they would of lived forever in their sinful state. At Christmas God's promise began to unfold, and we celebrate with an Apple and Orange to remind us of our sin, and the price that Christ paid so that we can eat of the tree of life.

What variety of apple did Adam and Eve eat?

A:The story of Adam and Eve gets simplified for young children, including the fruit they ate being described as an apple. However, the tree we find in the Bible is not an apple tree, it is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a common motif in ancient Near Eastern religions.When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they became like gods (Genesis 3:22-23): "And the Lord God said, Behold the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life, and live forever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden." This is not what happens when you eat an apple!