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The acetic acid in vinegar will eventually dissolve the egg shell (composed from calcite, a crystalline form of calcium carbonate) away entirely. Without the hard shell, the albumin and the yolk will be held egg-shaped by the thin skin of the inner shell membrane. The inner skin membrane is between the hard outer shell and the albumin (commonly called egg white).

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The reaction is:

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH = Ca(CH3COO)2 + CO2 + H2O

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Q: What is the chemical equation for vinegar and a eggshell?
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What is the chemical equation for putting an egg in vinegar?

When an egg is placed in vinegar, the chemical reaction that occurs is: Calcium carbonate (in eggshell) + acetic acid (in vinegar) -> calcium acetate + carbon dioxide + water This reaction results in the breakdown of the eggshell, leaving behind a rubbery egg due to the removal of the calcium carbonate.

How does vinegar effict eggs?

The vinegar reacts with the eggshell, dissolving the eggshell.

What caused the egg size to increase while putting it in vinegar?

When an egg is placed in vinegar, the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, causing it to dissolve. As the eggshell dissolves, the egg absorbs water through osmosis, making it swell in size. This increase in size is due to the influx of water into the egg through the now porous eggshell.

Why does vinegar disintegrate eggshells?

Vinegar is acidic (acetic acid) and reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, breaking it down and releasing carbon dioxide gas in a chemical reaction. This reaction dissolves the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, leaving it soft and disintegrated.

Is soaking an egg in vinegar a chemical change to the egg?

Yes, soaking an egg in vinegar is a chemical change. The vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, causing it to break down and release carbon dioxide gas. This process, called acid-base neutralization, results in the removal of the eggshell and a change in the egg's structure.

What will dissolve an eggshell first vinegar or lemon juice?

vinegar because it does

What is the chemical reaction for the rubber egg?

The rubber egg experiment involves soaking an egg in vinegar, which causes the calcium carbonate in the eggshell to react with the acetic acid in vinegar to produce calcium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water. This reaction dissolves the eggshell, leaving behind a rubbery membrane that gives the appearance of a rubber egg.

What in vinegar makes the eggshell go away?

It explodes

How do you disintegrate an eggshell?

* You disintegrate an eggshell by leaving it in Acetic Acid (VINEGAR), take out when disintegrated. hope this helped :O

What happens when an egg react with acetic acid?

When an egg reacts with acetic acid (vinegar), a chemical reaction occurs that causes the eggshell to dissolve. The acetic acid in the vinegar breaks down the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide gas. This reaction leaves behind the egg membrane intact.

How long does it take a eggshell to soften in vinegar?

1 day

Chemical equation of vinegar?

The chemical equation for vinegar is acetic acid (CH3COOH) dissolved in water. This can be represented as CH3COOH + H2O -> H3O+ + CH3COO-.