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==Answer == Most miscarriges occur before twelve weeks. One of the most common causes of miscarriage is a blighted ovum, this is where the egg is fertilized but doesn't develop properly. In this instance there is never a fetal heart detected, so the fact that they have seen the heart is a good sign. There are many other factors to consider, such as if you have had a previous miscarriage, and how many. If you have a history of miscarrige, minimal physical activity, no sex, no medications other than those given by your doctor, etc. will increase your odds of carrying the fetus to term.

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Q: What is the chance of miscarriage if a healthy fetus is seen on an ultrasound at 10 weeks 3 days?
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A miscarriage means you have definitely lost the baby, there is usually lots of cramping and clots. A threatened miscarriage means just that, you are still pregnant but may miscarry in the future. Any spotting while pregnant can be called a threatened miscarriage and many women go on to have healthy babies. If you still have signs of pregnancy like swollen and sore breasts it is probably just a threatened miscarriage. Most doctors will order an ultrasound scan to tell for sure. I should think that a blood test (Quantitative HCG) would be more reliable than ultrasound. Levels are decreased in the case of miscarriage, threatened &/incomplete abortion, & if the fetus is dead.

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If you mean that shouting at the fetus or around the fetus or belly during the pregnancy can hurt it, the answer is no. And they can't hear until around week 20.

Is it necessary to have an scan after a miscarriage?

Yes. The fetus may not be reabsorbed into your body and you would have to have a DNC (they remove the remains surgically). If you feel you have had a miscarriage, you should go to a doctor and get a pelvic exam including an ultrasound to check for other problems that could develop.

How smoking effects your fetus?

Smoking tobacco causes highers chance of miscarriage up to 3 months and also low birth weight.

Ultrasound detect heartbeat in a fetus?

yes, you can see the heartbeat on an ultrasound.

Vaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks no baby I am measuring 5 weeks but could it be a miscarriage and they aren't telling me i go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound?

I understand what you are saying when you say messuring, they messure the sac and it calculates what the size is to get the age of the sac/fetus.

Can a healthy woman have a miscarriage?

Most miscarriages happens in the first trimester and the reason is usually because there is something wrong with the fetus. It's Mother Nature's way to take care of a fetus that wouldn't make it any further. So there's nothing wrong with the woman. So yes, healthy women have miscarriages all the time. Almost 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

How long does it take to pass a fetus after you suspected you have had a miscarriage?

The fetus is passed during the bleeding of a miscarriage. If it's in the first trimester, the fetus is smaller than a prune, so would look like a large clot.

Are there signs that the fetus has defects during pregnancy?

usually, only on the 4th or 5th ultrasound is visible, whether the fetus has defects or not. you can't feel it. it has to be during an ultrasound.